Base Fight Logic

Hi everyone. So, it's been a month, and I spent this time making a base fight system. First of all, I had to improve AI a little bit. Now it can find a target in the available area, move to the target, and attack. They use their first turn to move to the target and aim; in their next turn, they attack. So basically, they behave like find, move, aim, attack, and repeat.

Before making weapons, I improved visual hints to show a weapon's damage, attack area, in what direction I push a target if I do, and so on.

Then I focused on the weapons. I made a base weapons system; each weapon has damage, available attack positions based on character position, attack area, push direction, and so on. For testing, I made a few weapons with different stats. I made a sword that can hit and push, an axe that can hit three cells, and a crossbow that can hit any target on a line.

Then I added a simple spawning logic; basically, it's random and has plain animation, but it's good enough for a while.

So that is my second month of developing this game. Now I can fight, bots are spawning, bots are dying, and they can fight and kill knights. I have different weapons and can easily add more. I would really appreciate any feedback.

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